What is the story of Ayoda-Dhaumya and the trial of his 3 disciples?

King Janamejaya after being cursed by Saurma went in search of Purhoita (family priest) so that the curse impact could be reduced or removed. This story is about the same time when King Janamejaya after identifying the Purhoita marched on to Takshyashila (modern-day Taxila, Punjab, Pakistan) to bring that area under his control.

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Around this same time, there was Rishi named Ayoda-Dhaumya and this story closely focused on his 3 disciples names Aruni, Upamanyu and Veda

Aruni was originally from Panchala (modern-day Uttar Pradesh). Aruni and Ayoda-Dhaumya were once traveling through the field and they both noticed that there was a breach in the watercourse of a certain field. Ayoda-Dhaumya asked Aruni to repair this breach and ensure that the water flow is corrected. After which Ayoda-Dhaumya left for his ashram.

Aruni tried everything in his power but couldn’t stop the water flow, in the end, he decided that he would have to use his body to stop the flow. After this the water flow was correct, and the breach was also fixed but Aruni had to remain on the spot.

Since Aruni didn’t make it back to the ashram, Ayoda-Dhaumya started worrying about him and inquired about him. One of the other disciples told him that Aruni hasn’t come back ever since he asked him to stop the water breach. Ayoda-Dhaumya immediately left for the place and called our Aruni by his name. As soon as Aruni heard is preceptor call him, Aruni came forward and bowed in front of Ayoda-Dhaumya. He informed Ayoda-Dhaumya that he was trying to fix the breach with his body and hence wasn’t able to come back to the ashram.

Ayoda-Dhaumya impressed by his determination gave him all the knowledge of Vedas that he had and told him that because he tried to stop the water through his body, he would henceforth also be called by name of Uddalka.

The next story is about Upamanyu. He was given the responsibility of managing cows and calf in the cowshed. After working an entire day in the cowshed he came back to a hall where everyone gathered for a meal. Ayoda-Dhaumya noticed that Upamanyu was gaining a pot belly, so he asked Upamanyu, how do you support yourself, where do you get your food from? Upamanyu said, after his work in the cowshed is done, he goes to fetch alms for himself, and that’s how he feeds himself. Ayoda-Dhaumya told him that whatever alms he gets, he should be giving that to his preceptor and should not be directly eating. After a few days, Ayoda-Dhaumya again realized that Upamanyu hasn’t reduced any weight so he asked him how do you support yourself? Upamanyu replied that after he collects alms the first time and gives it to his preceptor, he goes for a second collection round so that he can feed himself. Ayoda-Dhaumya explained to him that this shouldn’t be done because he is taking food from other people in search of alms.

Upamanyu continued taking care of calves and cows in the cowshed, and after a few days, Ayoda-Dhaumya saw Upamanyu again. He noticed that his belly size was the same. So he asked Upamanyu how are you supporting himself. To this Upamanyu responded that he drinks the milk from the cows in the cowshed. After hearing this Ayoda-Dhaumya got angry and expressed his anger by saying, you cannot drink milk from cows from my cowshed without my permission and forbid you to do it anymore. You are taking the milk away from the baby calf who has more right to the milk than you.

Upamanyu became disappointed but continued to work in the cowshed and again there was no loss in his weight. By now Ayoda-Dhaumya became frustrated and asked him the same question If I forbid you from getting alms or milk then how do you support yourself? Upamanyu said, after the calves finish drinking the milk, there is milk froth in their mouth. I collect that froth and drink. Ayoda-Dhaumya asked him to stop doing that.

Upamanyu had now not only become disappointed but also frustrated and hungry. He took the cows for feeding in the woods. Over there he saw the leaves of Arka and ate them. Immediately after eating those he lost his vision and was not able to see anything. Scared he started running and ended up in a ditch in the woods. Hungry, scared, and tired he slept in that ditch since he couldn’t get out.

Meanwhile, since Upamanyu didn’t return to the ashram, Ayoda-Dhaumya started getting worried. He felt that due to his restrictions and hunger, some harm would have come to Upamanyu. So Ayoda-Dhaumya started searching for his disciple and finally after a lot of effort he found him in the ditch. He called on to Upamanyu to check if he is alright, eventually, Upamanyu responded by saying he cannot see anymore since he ate Arka’s leaves.

Ayoda-Dhaumya suggested he call the twin Ashvins gods (father of Nakula and Sahadeva) who are well known for their medicinal knowledge. After a lot of praising and praying, twin Ashvins came to visit Upamanyu. After seeing his condition they offered Upamanyu a cake and asked him to eat it. Upamanyu requested them to give it to his preceptor as anything he receives must be given to his preceptor. Twin Ashvins test him by saying that once his preceptor called us and asked for similar help, we gave him the cake, he never asked us to give it to his preceptor he directly ate it. Upamanyu did not budge though, he asked to still give it to his preceptor. Pleased with his devotion they returned his sight to him. Seeing his disciple pass through the challenges of Twin Ashvins, Ayoda-Dhaumya was very happy gave him the boon of Vedas knowledge, and also told him that he would be very good in dharmashastras.

The third disciple was Veda. He was asked to work in the ashram rigorously. He worked for years and never complained. He performed his duties truthfully and in the end, was blessed with universal knowledge and good fortune.

This was the story of Ayoda-Dhaumya and his three disciples.

Seems like the weight loss problem is an ancient challenge