Where is the historical place named Samanta-panchaya mentioned in Mahabharat and what is its significance?

This same question is asked by the Rishis assembled with Kulapati Shaunaka in the Naimisharanya forest to Ugrasrava Sauti. To which Sauti responds by briefly mentioning a story from Treta and Dwapara Yuga. This story is of Parashurama from Mahabharat.

Parashurama in his anger at the wrongs done to his family and other brahmins by Kshatriyas took up arms. He vigorously fought the Kshatriya clans and killed 21 generations of them in the battle. These battles formed 5 lakes of blood at Samanta-Panchaka. After the fighting ended he stood in one of those lakes and offered the blood in those lakes to his ancestors. His forefathers along with Richika (Grandfather of Parashurama) appeared to pacify his anger.

Parashurama killing Kshatriyas, killing 21 generations of them as per Mahabharat
Pic Copyright: The Bhakt Vedanata Book International

He asked them to absolve him of any sins he might have committed while fighting the Kshatriyas. He also asked them for a boon for the place where these lakes were formed so that it becomes a famous place in the world as a holy shrine. To which his forefathers agreed and pacified his anger.

This is how Samata-Panchaya (Samanta Panchaka) became a significant place in history.

Later in Dwapara and Kali Yuga, Samanta Panchaka saw a major historic battle between the armies of the Kauravas and Pandavas. Total 18 Akshauhinis of soldiers stood in the battle, and all of them got slain in the next 18 days of battle.

Find out what is an Akshauhinis?

Now that the hint is given, the current name of this place is called Kurushetra and it is geolocated at

Kurushetra, Haryana, India

There are multiple lakes however two are very famous, Brahma Sarovar and Sannihit Sarovar. Do give us a comment if you have visited the place and let me know how did you find this short story from Mahabharat

Story Reference: Mahabharata Volume 1. Section 2