Garuda’s Journey for Amrita: The Quest to Free Vinata

Garuda, determined to free his mother Vinata from the slavery of the Nagas, set his mind on retrieving the Amrita, the nectar of immortality, as demanded by the Nagas. His love and devotion for his mother were unshakable, and he was ready to undertake any challenge to liberate her.

Before beginning his journey, Garuda asked the Nagas, “What would it take to free my mother?” The Nagas responded, “Only by bringing the Amrita from the heavens can your mother be freed.” Garuda resolved to accomplish this task, no matter the cost.

Seeking Food to Fuel the Quest

Before departing, Garuda asked his mother, Vinata, where he could find food to sustain his energy. Vinata advised him to travel to an island where the Nishadas lived, a tribe of fishermen. She warned him, however, to avoid harming a Brahmana, for doing so would be a grave sin.

Vinata explained, “A Brahmana is like fire, and should you ever swallow one, he will torment you as a burning coal in your throat. Recognize them by the intense heat they radiate.” Garuda, grateful for his mother’s wisdom, took off to the Nishadas‘ island with her blessings.

Garuda’s Encounter with the Brahmana

Upon reaching the island, Garuda created a storm with his powerful wings, driving the Nishadas into a trap where he devoured them in one swift motion. Suddenly, he felt a blazing heat in his throat and remembered his mother’s warning. He realized that a Brahmana was among the Nishadas he had consumed. Garuda immediately called for the Brahmana to come out and promised to release him safely, along with his Nishada wife. Once they had left, Garuda continued on his journey, still feeling the gnawing hunger within him.

The Tale of the Elephant and Tortoise

On his journey, he encountered his father, Kasyapa, who advised him on how to satisfy his hunger. Kasyapa told him of a legendary battle between two brothers, an elephant and a tortoise, who had been cursed to fight eternally.

The brothers were once a sage named Vibhavasu and his younger brother, Supritika. Due to a dispute over wealth, Vibhavasu cursed Supritika to become an elephant, while Supritika retaliated by cursing his elder brother to become a tortoise. Their colossal forms now battled endlessly in a lake.

Kasyapa suggested that he consume both the elephant and tortoise, as their enormous size would satisfy his hunger and give him the strength to continue his quest for the Amrita.

Garuda Feasts and Gains Strength

Following his father’s advice, located the elephant and tortoise, locked in their eternal struggle. He swiftly captured both in his powerful claws and flew to the skies, seeking a place to rest and feast. He eventually arrived at Alamva, a place filled with divine trees adorned with golden and silver fruits.

There, a gigantic banyan tree invited Garuda to sit on one of its branches and eat his meal. As he landed, the branch cracked under his immense weight, threatening to crush the Valakhilya Rishis hanging upside down on an adjacent branch. Quick to act, he caught the falling branch in his beak, saving the Rishis.

Garuda soaring through the sky carrying a giant elephant and tortoise, with golden and silver fruit trees below and Valakhilya sages hanging from a banyan tree.
Garuda passing through a magical forest of golden trees, with a large banyan tree in the background.

The Blessings of the Rishis

Valakhilya Rishi’s looking at the supreme powers of the great eagle gave him the name which him know him from Garuda (bearer of heavy weights). He, then moved in the skies and eventually reached a place name Gandhamadana. There one again he meet his father Kasyapa who was deep in meditation. Upon his arrival, Kasyapa noticed the Valakhilya Rishi’s and suggested his son to not hurt them. Valakhilya Rishi’s are those who have absolved their sins due to the great penance that they had endured in their life. Kasyapa the asked the Valakhilya Rishi’s to bless his son Garuda. His purpose in life is for the good of all creatures. After listening to Rishi Kasyapa’s request, Valakhilya Rishi’s left the bough on which they were hanging and went to the sacred mountain of Himavat for the purpose of ascetic penances.

Garuda continued his journey, now with the blessing of the Valakhilya Rishis, whose ascetic penance had purified their souls. These blessings, along with the feast of the elephant and tortoise, imbued Garuda with immense power. He sought guidance from his father on where to safely discard the giant branch he carried in his beak.

Kasyapa directed Garuda to a distant, uninhabited mountain, where the branch would do no harm. Garuda flew swiftly to the location and dropped the branch, causing the earth to tremble as it hit the ground. With his hunger finally sated, Garuda was now ready for the next phase of his mission – retrieving the Amrita.

Garuda Prepares to Face the Gods

Strengthened by his meal and the blessings of the Valakhilya Rishis, Garuda’s resolve was unbreakable. His mother’s freedom was within reach, and with the Amrita as his goal, he prepared to face the gods themselves. The quest for Amrita would not only be a test of his strength but also of his cunning and wisdom. As Garuda soared through the skies, he knew that this journey would change him forever, and the liberation of his mother was only the beginning.

The quest for Amrita was not just a test of Garuda’s physical strength, but also of his character, as he navigated challenges and made alliances with powerful beings. His journey exemplifies determination, the strength of love, and the importance of wisdom in overcoming obstacles. As Garuda moves closer to his goal, his story serves as a reminder of the unbreakable bonds of family and the lengths one will go to protect their loved ones.

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